
What Easter celebration takes place at the White House?

Easter Celebration at the White House

For over 100 years, the White House has held an annual White House Easter Egg Roll. During the Presidential term of President Rutherford Hayes in 1878, this event moved to the White House South Lawn and has taken place there ever since. This Easter tradition, held on the Monday after every Easter, involves games and activities for children under six years old.

Easter Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the different ways Easter is celebrated throughout the world?

What Easter celebration takes place at the White House?

What are some major Easter events to take children to?

I'd like to see a major Easter parade. Do you have any suggestions on where to travel?

Can you tell me more about the religious celebrations of Easter in the Philippines?

Why is Easter on a different day each year?

Where does the name Easter come from?

What is the history of the Pagan celebrations of Easter?

How did Easter originate within the Christian religion?

Where does the story of the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs come from?

How do I get an egg ready for coloring?

Are there food products that I can use to dye an Easter egg?

What's the best way to dye eggs using natural dyes?

Can you tell me more about decorative Easter eggs?

How do I make my own chocolate Easter eggs?

I am preparing a meal for an Easter dinner get-together. Do you have any food suggestions?

What foods should I include in an Easter brunch?

I'm planning on feeding a lot of people for Easter dinner. What's an easy way to cook for a lot of people?

What's a great mixed drink I can make to compliment my Easter meal?

I'd like to serve some desserts with my Easter meal. Do you have suggestions?

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